WindFarm Prayer Requests
Please agree with me aloud on these prayers. Matthew 18:19
Coming and asking in the name of Jesus, Yeshua, the only begotten son of God, These prayers are offered up and being thanked for the answer in advance:
Fearless- Car jacking, consolation that the man understood about her not helping, and to lose the fear spirit.
Rebecca from Michigan- A Godly man, a church going man. she serves there but is apprehensive about using the church that way. Viola from Maryland- Healing for her knee and for son Daniel to stay on track and get back on track for the things he needs to.
Carlton (AKA Ex-Reverend)-Be blessed and stong through the trials he may be facing. Put it in his heart to contact me and or DAB
Unamed Female student- Better job and affordable housing. Healing from brokenness and deafeat.
Teresa Bakersfield CA-Deliverance from pride and judgmental attitude, praise for the healing that has already taken place.
Gabby- Seek God and raise her two young kids in the love and admonition of the Lord.
Bonnie Saskatchewan- Healing for collar bone
Kacey from 10-25- Heal family division with kids, both sides forgive, and prodigal issues resolved absolutely.
Unnamed Man- A Godly and fitting Pastor for the church and place in the hearts of the congregation to seek a pastor that preaches the Gospel and anyone in the congregation looking to have ears tickled will seek God and truly get saved.
Slave Of Jesus- Deliverance from debt and maintain the joy of the Lord in his continued seeking God's truth.
ShowMeGodsLove 11/01/2015 23:28 |
11/02/2015 16:58 |
Zach Hart
11/02/2015 20:19 |
11/05/2015 16:13 |
Agree.... thank you for your prayers on the podcast as well as here.