Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion

Judgement Day May 21, 2011?
I came accross this information quite by accident. I must state from the outset that I don't accept what it says about the day of judgement (the date itself anyway) and I think I see some flaws in the method they used to determine the date. Here is a link to a tract that explains this "theory":

I'd like to get the DAB community's insight on this. Anyone think they may be onto something?
Peter 05/09/2011 12:15

Replies: (page   1   2)
Ted C 05/09/2011 14:16
My thought is that the post doesn't line up with Matthew 24:35,36: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone."

My other observation is that if his interpretation of Genesis 7:4 was correct, Noah and the animals would have been literally stranded on the ark for 40,000 years before the waters receded and the ark came to rest.
Bibleman 05/09/2011 15:01

Cabingirl 05/09/2011 15:42
Wait, what happened to Dec 21st 2012? lol, sorry, my bad. ;)
Kelley 05/09/2011 16:31
Spam?! ewwwww..... I'd rather wait for the horsemen. It's interesting though, thanks Peter for sharing the link. :)
John T 05/09/2011 17:37
Seems pretty ridiculous to me... They're in a camp on their own. It doesn't agree with either evolution billions of years or even the biblical genealogies. It picks something completely different. Very weird. If I was a betting man, I'd put money against that day :-)

Catholica 05/09/2011 22:18
Let's all run up our credit cards!

Seriously, these are tragedies. I knew a very intelligent young man in college who got involved in some cult-like end-of-the-world type belief and he threw away years of his life for nothing when he dropped out of school.

BTW Ted, didn't the waters take over 100,000 years to recede for the ark?


We have to stop thinking of eternity as a very long time but rather as just a place apart from time. If a 1000 years is like a day and a day is like a 1000 years, since there are 365250 days in 1000 years, that means 1000 years is like 365250000 years. Its just an image to help us finite humans understand eternity, not a construct for calculating exact times.
Peter 05/10/2011 06:52
Yeah... pretty much what I thought too. Actually it wasn't received as a spam, but advertised on a search engine (and I was searcing for something totally unrelated). Anyhow, I agree with Ted regarding Matthew 24 (my first thought actually) but when I looked at the page that was the first thing they addressed (not that I believed what they said about it, but that they addressed it indicated they know the scriptures at least fairly well). That made me willing to read a bit more. I don't know where their time line came from either.

I guess the most important thing here is the message of scripture on this: We don't know when He is coming, only that he is, and like the virgins waiting on the bridegroom, we should make sure we have enough oil for our lamps (i.e. be prepared) so we can greet him when he comes... whenever that is...
Cabingirl 05/10/2011 08:57
Unfortunately, it isn't spam. They are very serious, and making a big deal about it.

Anyone else see the billboards around? I've seen them in Green Bay....
Ted C 05/10/2011 19:34
Kelley, I'm on you with the spam! Catholica, that is such a great point about the math of trying to take the verse in 2 Peter too literally! Hadn't thought of that...
Ted C 05/10/2011 19:59
I meant with you on the Spam, Kelley. Whoops!
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